Difference Between Veneers and Dental Implants

Veneers are sort of out of the scope of functionality. For different purposes when it refers to appearance improvement or the function of teeth, they mean and serve something else. If searching for the Best Dental Implant in Mumbai, it's quite essential for one to get to know what comparisons both options hold.

Veneers versus Dental Implants.

Purpose: Cosmetic enhancement by way of veneers, that is, to hide stains, chipped portions, and spaces, whereas implants are undertaken to replace teeth that are lost.

Procedure: Veneer is the application of thin veneers or shells bonded at the front surface of teeth while implant means surgery to place the titanium post in the bone of the jaw.

Durability: Implants last for a lifetime while veneers would need replacement in a period of 10-15 years.

Jawbone Health: Implants help preserve the bone structure, whereas veneers have no moment effect on bone health.

Functionality: An implant can fully restore chewing ability while a veneer is primarily for aesthetic enhancement without restoring function where teeth are missing.

Stages of a Dental Implant Procedure

First Consultation and Investigation

The oral health assessment and X-rays are going to be condition in terms of bone density evaluated by the dentist.

A treatment plan is tailor-made for required individual treatments.

Tooth Extraction (Where Required)

It will be achieved at the stage of implant placement. Removal of all teeth that are decayed or damaged will take place.

It may require time for healing before he next step.

Bone Grafting (Where Necessary)

If there is not enough density at the jawbone, bone grafting might be required to build stability.

The time required for healing varies depending on how much grafting is involved.

Implant Insertion

Surgically, it is introduced into the jawbone, functioning as an artificial root of the tooth.

The osseointegration process through which fusion of the implant and the bone takes place takes a few months.

Abutment Addition

Then, one connects an abutment (the connector) after the implant has meshed with bone tissue.

This acts as a foundation for the final crown.

Placement of Crown or Bridge

With it, the function and aesthetics of the missing tooth are restored as a custom-made dental crown or bridge attaches in a rigid manner onto the abutment.


Each veneer and dental implant are specially tailored according to the patient's requirements. If you need a complete tooth replacement permanently, the best procedure here will be the implants. For specialists at their work, visit Smile Again Dental Clinic and get the best dental implant in Dadar East and walk back out confidently smiling and looking healthy.

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